We keep on growing!


Our growth comes in bunches!  Our latest additions are four programs and many towns.

The Conval NH Program includes the nine towns of SAU 1 in New Hampshire!  These towns are Peterborough, Antrim, Francestown, Hancock, and Greenfield, as well as Bennington, Dublin, Temple and Sharon.

Their first “Community Meeting” was in late June, and they recruited 20 new volunteers who will join them in their plan to feed 150 children.

The Concord South NH Program was piloted in the Spring, and we recruited volunteers through a meeting at the Red River Theater in Concord.   The Friends Program hosted this meeting, and their active senior volunteers were very interested!  The program will start full speed in the fall in the south section of Concord.  We hope that there will be more Concord programs starting to help meet the need!

The Farmington NH Program literally started this week, and thanks to some wonderful volunteers is ready for school to start!

The Tolland CT program is the first in CT, and makes seven states for us!!!  We are hugely excited about the growth!

Volunteers are needed for all of these programs, so reach out to them!

Is there a program in your town?  Could you start one??  Check out how!


Paper plane