Ten Things You Can Do Starting Today to End Childhood Hunger in America!


  1. Spread the word that there are 16,000,000 hungry children in America.
  2. Review the facts regarding the agencies that “say” they are helping and find out the truth behind the story.
  3. Find out how many children are hungry in the school nearest to you.
  4. Deliver snacks to the school nearest to you.
  5. Mobilize your friends, coworkers and family to deliver snacks to the school nearest to you.
  6. Collect food and distribute it to the school nurse and guidance counselor at the school nearest to you.
  7. Donate to those agencies you have determined are worthy.
  8. Volunteer for those agencies you have determined are worthy.
  9. Go on our website and read up on who we are, what we do, and how we do it.
  10. Mobilize others to help you start an End 68 Hours of Hunger program in your town.





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