A Message from our Charter Sponsor, Bottomline Technologies!

Bottom Line Technologies logoBottomline Technologies was our very first Charter Sponsor!  A Charter Sponsor is one who donates $68,000 or more to End 68 Hours of Hunger as a deliberate act to become a Charter Sponsor!  This can be a one time donation, or a pledge over five years!

For Bottomline there were genuine reasons for their support!  They already had commitments to the End 68 Hours of Hunger program in several ways.  They sponsored a 5K road race to benefit End 68 Hours of Hunger.  They also committed quarterly charitable donations to us as nominated by employees.  They host our Board of Directors meeting each quarter, and they handle numerous printing requests for us.  Additionally, the provide support to any new program that starts in a town where a Bottomline employee lives!

CEO Rob Eberle says this about their support as a Charter Sponsor:

“The affiliation and support we have provided End 68 Hours of Hunger has really resonated with employees. They are so proud of our company for helping make an important difference in the lives of children.

“End 68 Hours of Hunger is very clear in the need they address and the manner in which they address it. The impact is clear and direct.

“Bottomline Technologies has chosen to support End 68 Hours of Hunger in several ways.  We are Charter Sponsor providing a donation of $68,000 which really resonated with employees and created a true sense of pride. We have committed to donate $1,000 to any new program in a town where any employee lives. This allows individual employees to make a difference in their town and community.

“We periodically highlight End 68 Hours of Hunger in our all employee meetings. We had Claire Bloom speak to our leadership team which was a big success.

“The story and mission of End 68 Hours of Hunger are truly special. It has been a privilege to support the organization and our entire company is proud to be involved with this worthy cause.”

We are incredibly grateful to Bottomline Technologies for their support.

If you are interested in becoming a Charter Sponsor, please reach out to me!  Claire Bloom, ExecutiveDirector@end68hoursofhunger.org



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