End 68 Coordinates with School District to Disseminate Food

End 68 Hours of Hunger Wolfeboro, Tuftonboro, Ossipee, Middleton NH chapter coordinators are working with their regional school district to safely pack and distribute food during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Working with members of the Governor Wentworth Regional School District, program coordinators Jan Brooks, Eileen Leavitt and Carol Simpson coordinated their efforts to ensure the program continues to function as the pandemic and public health crisis unfurls; packing and delivering breakfast meals, lunches, dinners and snacks to children at risk of food insecurity.”

“The programs success is due to the significant time and effort that volunteers give each week, their care is so appreciated. Typically, volunteers from the Chapter’s End 68 program pack and deliver the weekly food bags. However, during these times of uncertainty, changes have had to be made to the packing and delivery procedures, decreasing the number of volunteers, and receiving assistance from the Governor Wentworth Regional School District. To ensure that only a few individuals have contact with the food under controlled conditions, the packing teams have been temporarily suspended and the program coordinators have assumed the packing responsibilities.”

In addition, weekly deliveries are being coordinated by the Assistant Superintendent, school staff and bus drivers to avoid volunteers using their own vehicles to transport the food.

“It is humbling experience the unwavering commitment that others have offered to ensure End 68’s mission is achieved.”

While food donations aren’t being accepted at this time, financial donations are much appreciated. Donations may be sent to End 68 Hours of Hunger, WTOM; PO Box 1026, Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896. Please write “WTOM” in memo line to insure that donation goes to our local chapter. On-line donations can be made by following the link to the Wolfeboro chapter on the End 68 Hours of Hunger website.


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