Barrington, New Hampshire

Donate during the month of August in memory of JJ Poulin
Since 2017 the Poulin Family has led an effort each August to collect donations for End 68 Hours of Hunger as a tribute to JJ. JJ’s passing was a tragedy that no family should ever have to endure. One way they have chosen to remember JJ during his birthday is by doing good in their community. JJ’s Mom, an educator in a local school district, knows the difference our program can make in a child’s life. JJ would have attended second grade at Barrington Elementary School this year. Join us in remembering JJ – your donation can help make a difference in the lives of children who face food insecurity.
Food donations can be dropped with or without a note at Barrington Middle School and monetary donations can be made through the link below. Our most needed items include canned chicken, peanut butter, Hormel complete meals, flavored rice, mac and cheese, saltines, graham crackers, and canned soups.


Paper plane