1st Annual WOLFESTOCK Festival!


Join us for one day of Charity and Music!  Sunday, August 28th, 12 noon to 4 pm.  Please join us for the 1st Annual Wolfestock Festival!  Dedicated to raising funds for End 68 Hours of Hunger and the Child Advocacy Center of Carrol County, all guests are

encouraged to be as generous as possible as the 2016 school year begins.  Many local children find themselves in need.   End 68 hours of Hunger will have an information table there and volunteers to answer any questions about the program.

Lots of fun, a great cause, terrific music, food and that fuzzy feeling.

Thank you to Charlie and Joanne Zatzkin for offering your home for this event:  222 N. Main St., Wolfeboro NH.  Come join us!


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