Great Progress on the Newmarket End 68 Hours of Hunger Building!

Newmarket BuildingWe are very excited to watch as the End 68 Hours of Hunger building is rising from the ground in Newmarket NH.

They have a foundation and have the new building waterproofed, and will have it backfilled soon.

End 68 Hours of Hunger share the space with the Thrift Shop and will have heat and a common bathroom!  They will have their own separate entrance, and 400 square feet of space.  They are very excited with the project and hope you are too.

Many thanks to the following donors:

AstraZeneca, Atty. John J Ahlgren, Bottomline Technologies, Atinuke Cahille, Christine Friese, The Goodwin Foundation, Zackery Guidice on behalf of the Thomas W Haas Foundation, The Jack Pazdon Foundation, Eleanor Jaffee, Michelle Lynch and Douglas McDonald, Wayne and Janice Rosa, Melani and Kevin Taillon, and Jennifer Webb!


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