Jenny Ahlquist, counselor at Peterborough Elementary School, reports that she’s really careful to be discreet about getting the food from End 68 Hours of Hunger to the kids at her school. She goes around when the kids are at recess and puts the bags of food into the individual students’ back-packs, so no one has to know who needs extra help. “And then,” Jenny said, “one little girl stood out in the middle of the hall, held up her bag, and yelled, ‘THANK YOU FOR THE FOOD!’ ”
The kids throughout the ConVal school district — and their families — really do appreciate this extra boost, and without your ongoing efforts to spread the love through your contributions of peanut butter, it wouldn’t happen. Thank you very much!
Some folks have asked why we need End 68 Hours when Peterborough already has a Food Pantry. The Food Pantry does a great job, as the dedicated United Church of Christ members who help to staff it can confirm. End 68 Hours is intended to fill in the gaps for those who can’t get to the Food Pantry, or can’t get there when it’s open. There’s room for both!
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